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  • John McCain brings up the name Dan Quayle and says the unveiling of that unbriefed, unknown vice presidential pick was not the way to introduce a running mate.

    CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2008 2008

  • To say Mr. Kristol, who was once famously dubbed Dan Quayle's "brain", doesn't share criticism of Governor Palin is an understatement.

    When Kristol Met Sarah... 2008

  • Mario Cuomo called Dan Quayle “Danny boy” in a most denigrating way, and yet when Dan called him Mario, the Governor said that it was an ethnic slur.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • Mario Cuomo called Dan Quayle “Danny boy” in a most denigrating way, and yet when Dan called him Mario, the Governor said that it was an ethnic slur.

    Barbara Bush Barbara Bush 2005

  • Mandrake is reminded of how a young Republican senator called Dan Quayle compared himself to John F Kennedy during the 1988 vice-presidential debate. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph 2011

  • Many of them recall Dan Quayle, who was mercilessly and unfairly pilloried by the same kind of media barkers when he was George H.W. Bush's running mate in 1988.

    Latest Articles 2008

  • Johnny Carson, toward the end of his career, called Dan Quayle "the gift that keeps on giving."

    TV Barn 2008

  • Johnny Carson, toward the end of his career, called Dan Quayle "the gift that keeps on giving."

    TV Barn 2008

  • You may recall Dan Quayle's mangling of the slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" as

    Blog updates 2008

  • You may recall Dan Quayle's mangling of the slogan "A mind is a terrible thing to waste" as

    Blog updates 2008


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